Wednesday 19 March 2014



材料 :大蒜3颗,瘦肉 500g, 西兰花 1包,蚝油1汤匙,黑酱油1茶匙,水3汤匙,胡椒粉少许
腌料 :盐半茶匙,糖半茶匙,酱油1汤匙,胡椒粉少许,绍兴酒1汤匙,蜀粉1汤匙



1. 烧开一锅水,放少许油和盐。放入西兰花烫熟,备用。
2. 热锅,加入3-5汤匙油。放入肉片煎熟。
3. 将肉片起锅。如果太多油,可以将一些油倒掉。
4. 锅里剩少许的油,放入蒜末,炒香。不必炒到金黄色,会有苦味。
5. 加入蚝油,炒一会。
6. 放入肉片翻炒,然后加入黑酱油,最后加入水。
7. 肉片起锅,与西兰花摆盘。
8. 在肉片上撒上少许胡椒粉,增添香气。

Friday 7 March 2014



白萝卜 1根
红萝卜 1根
红枣     2颗 (一般小颗的就要用6-8颗)
水         4公升

做法 :
1. 把红萝卜和白萝卜洗净,然后削皮滚刀切。萝卜梗我也一起加入汤里。
2. 把水煮开,让后将所有材料放入锅里。
3. 盖子打开,中火煮30分钟
4. 然后转小火,盖上盖子褒三小时。
5. 如果味道太浓,可以加1-2碗水。


Thursday 27 February 2014




1. 芥兰  一包(250g)
2. 姜丝 少许
3. 酒     1汤匙
4. 盐     少许
5. 油     1汤匙
6. 水     3汤匙

1. 芥兰洗净,切段备用。
2. 热锅,下油。将姜丝爆香。
3. 加入芥兰翻炒。
4. 芥兰软后,在锅边洒酒。
5. 加入水和盐炒匀。

Friday 21 February 2014



大虾/明虾 - 图片用八只
青葱 - 依个人喜好,图片用两棵(切丝)
油 - 3大匙
酱油 - 1大匙

1. 将虾洗净去腸,用纸巾抹干。
2. 把油到近锅里,油热了,放虾煎熟。
3. 虾摆盘,淋上锅里剩下的虾油和酱油。
4. 放上葱丝

Sunday 17 July 2011

Choco Muffins

I always wanted to bake and finally i did it! It's not from the cake mix which you can get it from the shop. I did the measuring and mixing by myself. The outcome is edible but not perfect for me. I will share out the recipe later which i think is good. I love the pastel cases!

Saturday 15 January 2011

Lemon & Pepper Tuna Sandwich

This is a light and refreshing sandwich for a fat-free meal. 

Ingredients :
1/2 can of tuna chunks in water, drained 
1/4 lemon
1 teaspoon of black pepper
Wholemeal bread (toast it if you prefer the crunch) 

-Add the tuna in a bowl
-Squeeze the lemon into the bowl
-Add in the black pepper 
-Mix well 
-Marinate for 15 minutes 
-Serve with the bread

I garnished with tomato, lemon and some black pepper on top.

Thursday 30 December 2010

Lola's Cupcakes

 First time I saw Top Shop is selling cupcakes. I didn't try any of it during my first visit to this shop but the shining cupcakes are so unforgettable. I kept thinking of it. Recently I went there again, and this time I tried 2 type of their flavour. I didn't get any shinning cupcake and the end. It's because I was there before their closing, so not much of choices left.

The packing 

Chocolate milk - chocolate cupcake with pure vanilla bean icing and chocolate pieces

Rocky road - marble vanilla & chocolate cake smothered with marshmallows, nuts and milk chocolate buttons

The chocolate cupcake is slightly bitter and it goes well with the vanilla icing. It's a perfect match! 

The marshmallows gave a special texture to the cupcake. You can feel the softness of the cake, the sponginess of the marshmallow and the crunchiness of the chocolate button.  It's fun to eat it!

Lola's cupcakes are beautiful and delicious. It's really different from the cupcakes I tried before.